So far for my blog I have taken my camera around with me at all times. This resulted in the images I have done on my blog. Obviously for uni, for my projects I will concerntrate on 'Narrative' or images that symbolise something. But for now, I have revisited the dome in BarrBeacon and have taken more creative shots and re edited some of the ones I did before. So please take a look!
I think it's important to re visit images that you think could be improved and then to go re shoot or re edit. I think this would be a great area to shoot a set in.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Sunday, 16 September 2012
House Husband
I got the stereotypical housewife and typical 'bread winner' male worker and reversed the roles, so the male is the 'housewife' and stays at home cleaning and the female puts on the suit and brings in the cash. I used my boyfriend and I to bring the idea into play. If I were to do this seriously, I would use different characters as it was quite awkward using myself and my boyfriend. I made the male do the obvious 'chores' that the housewife was seen to do, such as 'washing up', 'cooking' and hoovering. I also made the male pose like a female, and made him put on a female head band and top, to make him look more feminine. I dressed up in a suit like a businessman would. I tried to act quite grumpy as I would think after a hard day at work you would be quite down. I asked my boyfriend what the typical male gestures or acts are when you come in from work, eg; sit on the sofa with one leg over your knee drinking a beer with a remote. Influences would be Cindy Sherman and Lise Sarfati.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Lichfield Cathedral
I went to photograph Lichfield Cathedral as it's only one of the Cathedrals that has three spires. I edited them quite alot as I wanted to practice with my editing and see how I enhance my editing skills for my 2nd year at uni. I also chose different angles to take my images, angles that I have never really used before.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Kalle Gustafsson
Series of photographs called Speakeasy
Another series of Narrative photography that has caught my eye.
The last smoking picture made me want to do an idea of someone smoking a stick or a pen to make the idea of smoking humorous. Models have been portrayed to make smoking look glamorous and sexy, like it doesn't cause harm at all. That's fine. To me though I think it's wrong, I'm not saying people shouldn't smoke, but to advertise it to be glamourous is wrong. I know that women started smoking as a sign of freedom during the time women gained rights. I used myself to do the series of photographs because I couldn't find anyone while the idea was fresh in my head. I love Cindy Sherman's work. I love how she puts herself into different characters and calls them 'untitled', which gives you ambigous ideas about her work. I wanted to attempt getting into a character like she does and putting my point across using myself as a character. By downplaying the effects of smoking, models are convincing young girls that, in order to be attractive, you need this "stick" between your fingers in some cases. In this shoot, I wanted to play on the idea by using something like a pencil or some lipstick, wondering if "smoking" these random objects could be seen as "glamourous" like how smoking is presented by this models. Also alot less harmful. I just really wanted to make a joke, as you would never see professional models posing with a lipstick in their mouths.
Here is my attempt. I don't know how she did it because I felt really uncomfortable doing it.
This was a quick idea that came into my head when I was inspired by seeing models making smoking appealing. I then wanted to do the same but not smoking a real cigarette, I was pretending to smoke lipstick, an eyeliner and a paintbrush. My comments on my photographs then become humorous as i'm taking a serious thing and making it light hearted. As no-one is going to smoke an eyeliner pencil. of how smoking is portrayed as "sexy" and "glamourous".
I want to do this shoot again and use other people and actually have more control over the camera and be able to direct better. Also thinking of doing a similar shoot with a male pretending to smoke something silly and pose like a these models do. I think it will be quite funny.
Cindy Sherman
These were a quick shoot based on the idea of horror. I liked the idea of using only parts of the face, as i think it builds the idea of drama. My favourite image which I believe is the most sucessful is the bottom image. I have created the idea of a person hiding and peaking through the crack of the door which creates this highlight on the face. This is a typical scene from a horror movie where parts of the face are only lit up creating a gloomy atmosphere. This also leads my viewer to wonder what the subject is looking at.
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